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TalnSG (Offline)
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05-06-2008, 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by slux View Post
because linux changed my life! i whant tatoo this when i get my degree in computer science.. maybe in october 2008.
I can understand that, slux. Many times I came close to having a tattoo done of something that was vital and/or life changing to me. Now only three of those concepts have endured the test of time..... my initial with the emblems of my heritage, the symbol of my spiritual identity and the name of my alter ego that served others for many years. And there are times even now that I question the design that incorporates those last two.

I am not saying don't do it, but I AM recommending that you think about how it will be to display it 20 years from now. It may still be valid as your entry point into computer science. But many of us had our lives changed by DOS, Windows and Linux in succession. The flux in Computer Science makes it difficult to find something that will not become archaic, if not obsolete, within your own future.

I would also advise that you keep it as small as you can while retaining legibility. Remember that the definition of the design will soften with time and you do not want it blurred. My "silver bear" is still clear after 18 years without any touch up, but it is far larger than yours should be. I had the advantage of only needing 2 fairly simple kanji.

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