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Nagoyankee (Offline)
Posts: 2,119
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Location: Tokyo, Japan
05-07-2008, 04:59 AM

I've been to Yamagata a few times. Like many other prefectures of Japan, Yamagata has a few larger cities and many small towns. If you go to the City of Yamagata, it's like other big cities all over Japan. On the country side, however, it's basically mountains, rice paddies, and orchards. Yamagata is known as the 'fruit heaven' to the rest of Japan. It produces excellent cherries, pears, apples, peaches, etc. as well as a popular brand rice named Hitomebore.

People there may be a bit more reserved than in Tokyo or other prefectures in central Japan. But they are very nice and friendly in general. They speak with a huge accent when they talk to each other. But they will talk to you in near-standard Japanese (if you speak any Japanese).

I'm pretty sure that you will have an easier time making friends in Yamagata than in , say, Tokyo. Time somehow flows more slowly there, and people seem to have more time to spend with one another.
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