Originally Posted by Excessum
Look for a RPG game that allows you to customize your character... The elder scrolls: Oblivion is a good example, as it has the ability to make your character look like whatever you want. You can edit any parameters of the appearance of the protagonist and make the breasts of the female character (If you choose to go with a female) as microscopic as you want... And besides, Oblivion is one of my all time favorite games due to it's gigantic world, countless quests, outstanding graphics, the possibilities of interaction with the world and huge player fanbase that continues to create a lot of great, freely downloadable mods for the game that only amplifies the great experience...
Yeah, I play Oblivion sometimes. My brother is glued to it though >.< It's not that they have big breasts really, it's just that the character is blatantly aimed at male game nerds to perv on. Sometimes the breasts on the female characters are entirely ridiculous and gravity defying >.< And in my personal opinion, big breasted women don't make them any more attractive than anyone else.
Originally Posted by Excessum
And besides... why do girls hate game characters with big breasts? I mean, guys have nothing against playing a game with a badass male character who is by far more good looking/fit/better built than themselves... it's just part of the fantasy the game allows you to experience.
This is exactly my point. A big breasted women is a
man's idea of what cool and badass is. Certainly NOT a females. This is what I mean when I say the gaming world is male dominated - they just don't have a clue what females want.
Take Taki from Soul Calibur for example :
She'd be a pretty kickass female protagonist - if her breasts weren't bigger than her head. You have to admit, that looks stupid and it ruins her. Me and my female friends don't really wanna play as her because she looks like a tard. Though really, we're not that picky as the character you play as isn't the be all and end all, but still it's not really great to play with a character like that.