Thread: Bruce Lee
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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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05-07-2008, 10:37 AM

My approach to fighting is pretty successful also.

First of all I don't hang out in dodgy places or take backstreets when on the occasion that I absolutely must walk somewhere late at night. (i.e. stick to main roads).

Second of all if I STILL end up in a fight, I'm guessing it will be over something stupid (e.g. some drunk dickhead who thinks he sees me checking out his girlfriend or some girl he thinks is his and wants to overcompensate by proving how macho he is) so I will back off and let him have his moment.

Finally IF it's a bit more serious than that I will seek assistance (call 111/get the attention of a bouncer/notify someone else to do so etc.)

If the above doesn't deter or prevent an attack in the first place THEN I will resort to either picking up whatever I can see lying around or using my hands/elbows/knees/feet to strike him in the nuts/punching him in the throat or bridge of the nose and not let up untill I'm beaten to a pulp, I can safely say there is no more threat or the fight has been interrupted.

PS- The last proper fight I ever had was in the schoolyard so I consider my strategy as unstoppable... schoolyard fights don't really count though do they?
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