Thread: Help: itinary
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samurai007 (Offline)
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05-07-2008, 04:03 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
Hmm, that will depends how far he travel from Kyoto no? If he make trips between Kyoto > Miyajima, he probably will make multiple trips to stop at Himeji and Kobe etc etc, that will add up;...
Right, but that's why he should stop at Miyajima, Himeji, etc on his way to Kyushu, not as a daytrip from Kyoto... it's too far from Kyoto unless he takes the bullet train, for which he needs the JRP. Nara, Osaka, Lake Biwa, etc are close by, about 1 hour and $10 for a ticket from Kyoto. Koya-san is far enough away that I'd normally say activate it before heading there, but the most direct route involves taking a non-JR train for 2 hours, and even the indirect route (switching at Hashimoto) still requires that non-JR train for 1 hour. So, depending upon whether he has enough days on his pass, he could activate it before and take the longer route and pay about $10 extra after switching trains, or wait to activate it until after he leaves and is heading for Tokyo.

JET Program, 1996-98, Wakayama-ken, Hashimoto-shi

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