Way too serious
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05-07-2008, 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by MissMisa
Yeah, I play Oblivion sometimes. My brother is glued to it though >.< It's not that they have big breasts really, it's just that the character is blatantly aimed at male game nerds to perv on. Sometimes the breasts on the female characters are entirely ridiculous and gravity defying >.< And in my personal opinion, big breasted women don't make them any more attractive than anyone else.
This is exactly my point. A big breasted women is a man's idea of what cool and badass is. Certainly NOT a females. This is what I mean when I say the gaming world is male dominated - they just don't have a clue what females want.
Ok... let's do it another way... could you please describe the perfect female protagonist in that case?
Originally Posted by MissMisa
Take Taki from Soul Calibur for example :
She'd be a pretty kickass female protagonist - if her breasts weren't bigger than her head. You have to admit, that looks stupid and it ruins her. Me and my female friends don't really wanna play as her because she looks like a tard. Though really, we're not that picky as the character you play as isn't the be all and end all, but still it's not really great to play with a character like that.
And in the end... what's the difference on how the character looks like? I would play with a one legged half-rotten alligator if it had moves that would fit my playing style the best in a fighting game...
Anywho... I think you should really look forward to Mirror's Edge which is coming out later this year 
EDIT: Here's a ingame footage of The above mentioned game:
Last edited by Excessum : 05-07-2008 at 11:08 PM.