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JF Ossan
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05-08-2008, 08:50 AM

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
Where's the study that that's based off of? What's the sample size? You can't just toss around 2/3 like that so easily without actually considering the data that's gone into composing it.

All that proves anyway is that 2/3 of "teens" are admitting to being lazy.
the Pew Internet & American Life Project, which conducts national surveys on all sorts of Internet-related topics, surveyed 700 teenagers by phone, and talked with others at length in person, about their written communication

Pew is the standard that most news journalistic sources rely on. This is not a bullsh*t source.

In America I am sure it is safe to say that more than 2/3 of teens have Internet access. If the way they communicate (which I see here daily) is how they think normal and respected communication goes on daily then they are in for a big surprise.
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