trve metal pygmy
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05-08-2008, 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by adina
hahaha I told you I'm dumb x3 -slaps self-
and I love your siggie ID
fernandooooooooo argh -bites ID's jaw-
I don`t even remember what I wrote -.-"
and my mood is rolling down the hills so yeah .. I`ll just leave it like this: sheesh pissing christ woman -.- shush now or I`ll make you shush.
ugh AHAM .. Fernando is always good to get in zha mood.
-nibbles adina`s neck-
we need buttercup back ... we haven`t finished anything we started with the girls :C
Originally Posted by Aota
For some reason, I get that a lot on here. *sulks*
I am a man! I am the opposite sex of female! I have a.. *gets mouth covered up by Nan* o.o
Some of Maximum the Hormone's songs feature the drummer, Nawo, going pretty deep as well. It's just amazing to hear girls going for a less poppy sound nowadays. I don't mean to get off subject, but Archenemy's vocalist growls too. And it's crazy. O_O
Can you imagine if the death growl everyone's been hearing from HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR is actually the girl vocalist? XD
Before I forget, thank you for your suggestions. *bows*
haha .. I knew it .. I knew you had a d*ck. hopefully you`ll stay longer around here than other fanboys. or other fans in general >_<
and Angela`s grunts are special. that woman is made of sex power and criminal voice. while Jyou is frail, petite and inspires you to cuddle her .. Angela inspires you to be taken raw and rough.
(oh here I go again being perverted -.-")
but heh .. if you liked Angela`s grunts you`d most likely love some others. you may not like the music they make or anything .. but just their voices.
Originally Posted by kawn4
ya.. omi and miko does the backing vocal [sometimes].. if u watch the sacrifice baby life.. they actually show omi and miko doing the backing.. xD
and yea.. i think u posted quite alot of their stuffs in front eh? like most of their songies.. xD n i have taken every attachment posted -laughs- points at jrocker, ID and adii for the word 'horniness' -hides- and maybe a little of -coughs- myself ;XX
miko does the backing vocals as well? hah .. omi does the backing vocals more often but meh ..
and I seriously don`t remember the sacrifice baby live .. but I`ll have to take your words for it I guess ")
I think I posted only two singles. or one single and one mini-album. I really have to check it..
they have 5 singles and one mini-album... so if you don`t have them and want them.. just tell me ")
heh .. you cutie pie :3
-goes to drag kawn back on the thread-
yes the same goes for you buttercup .. all you have to do is ask me buttercup -wink- and I promise I`ll make anything possible to satisfy you ^_^
"I tell you what's really ridiculous - going into a bookstore and there's all these books about yourself. In a way, it feels like you're already dead."