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TalnSG (Offline)
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05-08-2008, 01:25 PM

Yes, Pew International is a creditable team - just check out their Advisory Board. But a phone survey of 700 teens is hardly a sampling upon which to base any theory. It is a good justification for a more in-depth study, but not a result for basing corrective action.

This is blaming only the students for their lack of writing skills (or incentive to use them).

Where is the blame for the parents that don't review their child's school work, and don't correct their verbal usage at home?

Where is the blame for the teachers not addressing the difference and enforcing standards in their classrooms? And I am not just talking about English teachers.

Where is the blame for the school administration for a curriculum that does not require students learn writing skills before progressing? I even wondered about this my senior year in high school when I transferred to Texas and discovered that English was not a required course for seniors. I took it as an elective!

Not all the blame rests with the student and the device in their hands.

And Excessum, you are right about this sort of ignorance is just what some governments could use to further oppress people. You don't have to censor the press or any other writers, if no one is bothering to read it or can't understand it.

Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't gripe since I am being paid to correct the writing of my co-workers before publication. This trend is definitely adding to my job security.

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