trve metal pygmy
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05-08-2008, 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by adina
you can't make me shush -hides behind miko-
yaaaay....btw I haven't seen buttercup in a while
me misses her
fernando ... yo no te quiero!!!! -giggles- [of course I luv fernando ribeiro]
rape him for me will you?
maybe I can`t make you shush (though if you try my patience I may just do that) .. but Miko can definitely make you shush ..
look at you all over her .. you dirty thing you :*
I miss buttercup as well ...missed her actually
(I`m gaying on her in private at the moment -kisses-)
pies: I`ll rape Fernando hard and fast, slow and deep .. anything he likes it until he`ll scream my name in unison with me screaming his name
Originally Posted by jrocker21
and aota, i wanna ask you something but i'm afraid you'll say 'NO'.
haha .. oh buttercup.. if you were thinking asw perverted as I am thinking now ... oooooooooh boy :X
Originally Posted by kawn4
eh for sacrifice baby.. i think they juz did some back up growling ;XX -blurs- i wan a better sound quality liquid. -_- the liquid i dl sound very blur.. isit like tt or my com is ...gaying wid me -_- in a bad way....
haha .. if your computer would be gaying on you .. that would so pawn..
the gay power puff girls were born out of boredom, gay computers and .. pervyness .. oh well .. never mind that ^_^
the single sounds really good on my computer actually .. not blurry and stuff .. dunno..
maybe it is your computer? 
"I tell you what's really ridiculous - going into a bookstore and there's all these books about yourself. In a way, it feels like you're already dead."