Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y
Well school is also a place to socialise and those "bad" kids tend to influence a lot of their peers during playtime or even in class. There will be class disruptions and whatnot so even studying will be effected.
Lol in my school, every single class lower than the top set, (which I was in) was just problematic at best. I don't think they learned anything whatsoever.. and that is no exaggeration :F At home time my friends in those classes were still there messing around while the teacher having given up an hour ago, sat on his ass and read a book >.>
I guess you're right... I always forget how much of an influence peer pressure is! I guess, I was lucky to be an outcast/foreigner then. I never followed anyone or any groups. My public schooling wasn't the best, most of the lazy people are working at dead end jobs, while the foreigner (me) that didn't speak English and wasn't cool got offers to go Cambridge etc.
Yeah, my school was almost the same... The top and middle sets were okay, but the bottom sets were a joke, even in primary school

. I remember going from the bottom set to the top set in a day for maths even though I didn't speak a single word of English.