Originally Posted by noodle
I guess you're right... I always forget how much of an influence peer pressure is! I guess, I was lucky to be an outcast/foreigner then. I never followed anyone or any groups. My public schooling wasn't the best, most of the lazy people are working at dead end jobs, while the foreigner (me) that didn't speak English and wasn't cool got offers to go Cambridge etc.
Yeah, my school was almost the same... The top and middle sets were okay, but the bottom sets were a joke, even in primary school  . I remember going from the bottom set to the top set in a day for maths even though I didn't speak a single word of English.
Wow, from the way you write your English its hard to imagine you having a problem with it
I guess that is the problem with public schooling. The heart is there but the money to bring about solutions, isn't.