Originally Posted by TalnSG
Well I was raised non-denominational Protestant (Air Force base chapels), but over the course of a life time been Wiccan, Jewish, Atheist, Deist, and Taoist. I have a cousin who is a Christian minister, one who is a Mother Superior of the Sisters of Charity, one who is a fundamentalist cult member and I am part Cherokee. You could say spirituality is an active topic in my family.  Guess what happens when some steers onto this subject. Can you imagine someone raised in that environment living with a partner who required that religion be a taboo subject? Between my background and my tendency to voice my opinion it just wouldn't work. And because of the varied background I don't handle being preached at very well at all - I tend to debate the issues that I don't agree with.
I officially converted to Judaism about a year after I married my southern baptist ex-husband. The wedding ceremony had been christian, but noting from the New Testament was never mentioned and my in-laws didn't even notice. Christmas was hysterical - a tree with all these gold Stars of David all over it. Everything was ok until I realised my path through Judiasm was transitory. When I turned to something more pagan than my husband was comfortable with I sensed his unvoiced discomfort. This created a rift that, while it was not the cause of our divorce, was a definite contributing factor in my departure.
In case you're still curious, the shift was a return to Daoist teachings and only the beginnings of my study of Hinduism and Qua'an Yin.
Later, some of that path conflicted with a lover that was a devotee of a more western pagan sect, who couldn't even accept my appreciation for Wicca and Cherokee spirituality.
Wow... you've had some experience. Thanks for sharing

I can see why you would think that Inter-religious dating is a bad idea. I suppose the key to my perception of how Inter-religious dating MIGHT work are that both parties are secular in their approach to each others, and their own beliefs. It sounds like your ex-husband was not like that, would you agree?