05-09-2008, 04:05 PM
Personally, I would find it difficult to have a relationship with someone of a different faith. I myself, am not particularly religious. I believe in some of Wicca practices, but am not devout. I just think about some Wicca related guidelines when going about day to day life, but I never mention or talk about it. I've never gone out with a person of any religion, all of my boyfriends have been athiest [like a lot of people in my generation are], therefore I have never experianced problems regarding faith. The reason I couldn't have a relationship with a person of another faith is because I don't want another person's values pressed onto me. Not everyone does that, I know, but when you become very close to someone you begin to share things that are important to you with each other, and of course a person's religion is something they usually hold very dear to them.