Originally Posted by godwine
"Barely" will be an improvement.. They don't go home period
Though, ok, so you have a goal, work hard on it, finish your university degree in a relevant field and give it a shot, you won't know until you try
This made me ROFL!!!
I used to program the C64 as a games coder (showing my age) but we used to live in a room of computers and code in low level machine code for days at a time. You would never understand our languge as we spoke machine code too each other we were doing it so much. I mean we were so into the game we were making that we could speak code to eachother and lived in darkness only lit by TV screens for days on end. Ahh those were the days!!
Now I am a lead engineer for layer 1 network services and have just got my CCNA and am looking to go for CCIE. I have a very high chance of a job in any part of the world at a very good salery and have never graduated from college.
My last job I was pulling in $80k PA without graduating from college. now what was this thread about?