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odonata (Offline)
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Location: London
05-09-2008, 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
But look at the amount of experience you have though? A lot of us from the same era in the IT field may NOT have the education because a computer based education wasn't a common thing back then. You said it yourself, you were able to talk in language that half these people don't understand here (BTW, I used to program memory controllers and cpu registers, so close enough), look at the skills you bring to the table.

WE ALL said that its possible if you possess the skill, no one said that its not possible. BUT AGAIN, IF YOU HAVE THE SKILL.

What MMM and others are suggesting to these kids is that if they really want to find a job anywhere, its best to have a degree, and in Japan its definitely THE ultimate advertising point.

People will not just sponsor someone to stay for no reason, there has to be a mutual benefit, while a university degree doesn't equal to knowledge, skills or ability, its a good implication of it, and definitely something that employer can base their evaluation on.
True, so true.
I left school early to program computers for the game industry as it was a passion that i developed on my own and also encouraged a small group of friends to get computers. we ended up having coding battles and getting noticed by a games developer.
I agree that for many young ppl now to be a self made boffin is bad kudos and when they realise thier mistake it is much harder and often too late to repair the loss.
I was bought up with the gift of being inquisative (sp) and always afford myself the most enjoyable opportunity so I guess that the education system was not required in my case. I was the kid at school with the scientific calculator not because it was cool but because it converted dec/hex/bin and would smack any other kid in the chin if they badmouthed my calc habits.

2day kidz us txt 2 tlk wd etchthr n it sux 4 dem as dey r jus kilin der own brn wiv lzynes n nvr thnk bout dah rel wrld.

yeah! well reap the wind you sow.

txt this kiddz

32 64 61 79 20 6b 69 64 7a 20 75 73 20 74 78 74 20 32 20 74 6c 6b 20 77 64 20 65 74 63 68 74 68 72 20 6e 20 69 74 20 73 75 78 20 34 20 64 65 6d 20 61 73 20 64 65 79 20 72 20 6a 75 73 20 6b 69 6c 69 6e 20 64 65 72 20 6f 77 6e 20 62 72 6e 20 77 69 76 20 6c 7a 79 6e 65 73 20 6e 20 6e 76 72 20 74 68 6e 6b 20 62 6f 75 74 20 64 61 68 20 72 65 6c 20 77 72 6c 64 2e

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