Thread: Natto
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TalnSG (Offline)
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05-09-2008, 08:25 PM

Recently some crazy person tried to convince me that tempeh at my local health food store was the same thing as natto. They can look vaguely similar in a package, but don't make the mistake of believing they are anything at all alike in taste.

I didn't know the Japanese disliked licorice. But like many foods, it depends on the source. I detest american licorice (the fake, flavored stuff) and I am not too fond of several other kinds. But I have had real liquorice laces from Greece that I would give almost anything to have again, and some from Amsterdam that a local German deli imports that I can't stop eating once the package is opened. Its small licorice tubes filled with soft creamy liquorice and then lightly dusted with salt. They also make it with a sugar dust, but its too sweet for me.

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