Originally Posted by CoolNard
Gaah, damnit im getting real pissed off with people who look down on Asia(Japan) and it's cultures -.-"
Why cant they understand that not everything in Asia has to do with Chinese and that anime isn't just some low-class cartoons?
What exactly are they discriminating against? Why do they feel that ainime/manga are just for little kids and arent able to accept the fact that they aren't age restricted in any way, and can be seen/read by older viewers? Why don't they know that the art and profundity of anime cannot be compared to a barren and monotonous reality? 1/4 of the world population on earth watch anime/manga. Japan is one of the most powerful countries in the world and possibly only second against the US.
Was it the right move to make a thread regarding a sensitive issue? Will it spark off tension, havoc and internal wars? I don't know anymore.. Z_Z
I would agree with u aboutbeing discriminated against. I would say this happens in the USA more then any where else i would think. I don't agree the expection of japan is not one of the worldest strongest Country the top 5 in terms of miltary might would be China number one for it sheer numbers. Germany has built it force back up for a 3rd time. The Uk, and America more then likly beening dead last on the top 5. I would say japan is about 7 or 8 pretty strong but not in the top 5 and i doubt 1/4 the weold population watchs anime. maybe 1/100 with the majoritys comeing from southern asian some parts of central and south america as well as north america and the uk and some of europe. even thou that a lot of places it is still not very popular with adults in the none asian regions yes it growing but it far from beening watch by 1/4 the world population. if 1/4 the world population watched anime it we a bigger industry then what it already is. I would say the profits would be close to that of maybe even oil. Manga and anime artist would be in high deman and it is not.
Japan is no longer as strong as it was 7 to 10 years ago. at one point the japanese yeh was worth 5 us dollars to 1 yen. now the dollar is worth more, yes the yen is comeing back up but very very slowly. The us dollor is usely used as a base of trade in terms of weath based power. with British pound and eruro worth more then american dollars and every where else beening less. Corrent me if some other form of currance is worth more then the us dollar.