05-10-2008, 01:43 PM
Well I have no problem with inter-religion relationships, but personally, I would try to stay away from other religions when it comes to a boyfriend/finance/marriage relationship. I'm just way too fascinated with my own religion, that I'd be talking about it all the time.
I love to bring up the subject of God and I love to quote the bible and stuff with friends and it really does tear people apart if they don't have the same belief. I recently experianced a similar situation. My friend suddenly turned Atheist and then started preaching to me and another friend about how she thought that the idea of God/angels/demons/heaven/hell/etc. was stupid and that conversation just infuriated us and we haven't talked to her since then. So, no I don't think I'd let myself be with anyone that doesn't follow the Christian faith...it'd be a bad idea for someone like me.
+ Summer '08 +
[[cause it's gonna be hot]]
