Originally Posted by Aota
I know it's raw, and begs you to pull her by the hair, from behind (;o), but the fact that she can still hit such a low note is worthy of kudos.
Oh. You mean Jyou. It's ok to think those thoughts.
But no acting on them, k?
*is possessive*
I agree, it really is.
*rapes lovely Jyou*
Originally Posted by kawn4
thank you -x3-
-shock- i was thinking to dye my hair red during my soon to come holis.. now i think i'll reconsider whether to dye my hair red or not....... -hides frm jrocker- but.. i'm quite obse over red too -coughs-
dun make me sound so.. er... [search word] it's juz they're all too gorgeous.. so it's more like i dun wanna decide/choose than i can't decide/choose.. ;D
I wasn't aware I was making you seem so.... something? sorry....
ah, I see.