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Tsuwabuki (Offline)
石路 美蔓
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05-11-2008, 02:49 AM

Originally Posted by eruchan View Post
Unless you have Japanese parents or grandparents, you can never become Japanese citizen. THe most you can be is Permanent Resident status. But before you get PR status, you need some kind of valid visa first...
False. Absolutely false. It says otherwise somewhere on the very website you linked. It takes years, between five and ten, and involves a number of complicated permutations of your marriage status, your income, your contributions to Japan, your intended life plans and goals... But that's just false. I can name at least three naturalized European-descended citizens (two Americans and one Finn) of the top of my head, and only because two of those are members of the Japanese government and one is considered a foremost expert on Japan, especially on gaijin relations. There are plenty of others who are leading normal lives and are not public figures. Sorry, Eruchan. You're wrong on this one.
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