Thread: Alice Nine
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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05-11-2008, 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by adina View Post
you're so cute<'3
I love their blogs too <'3
oh I'm so in love with all of them ^_6

look what I found ... actually I found the link on LJ

tora talked like a lot -rapes- [mah dork ]
and pon was so cute ... and saga was so HOT -coughs-
and naoooooooooo ... dork.I love his laugh
and omg shou was so sweet in the end
I wish I know what they say there x3
-rapes shou-
Hehe thanks. XD
They're too amazing.<33

Awww that video like killed me! Pon looked soooo adorable! *dies*
They all looked so sweet and cute. ^^
I really wanna know what they're saying too...
Has anyone posted translations on Livejournal yet?
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