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MusicLuver (Offline)
Posts: 212
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Location: Strawberry Fields
05-11-2008, 10:33 PM

Pjok: Gaspard is completely drool worthy my friend, and when you look for a video of him in youtube, for example one I saw of him talking in French, you'll completely melt. When I saw that video of hin talking, I swear I was looking at his lips the entire video, lol xDD thet always ended with a pout! lol

but yeah, the more I think about how long the wait is, the longer it becomes >.<

Ayu: *huggles* we've become Gaspard's fans x3 see it! you must see that movie! When he killed someone, my best friend and I were like "Oh my Goooood........he's so hot" xDDDD

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