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JF Ossan
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05-11-2008, 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by SakeSan View Post
I will be staying in a hotel in the Iidabashi area, and i really want to invesigate Tokyo on my own.
So, I really want to know if that is a difficult thing to do.
I have bought a map to guide me trough, but is it still hard to orientate in Tokyo, or do you could get lost easily?

Also, I really want to take the train, or metro to Akihabara [Akiba].
Akihabara itself would be my main target to visit, and I was wondering if it's difficult [as a tourist] to buy a train/metro ticket, get on board and move yourself around.

Another question I'd really want to ask is if I can bring along a lot of cash money, instead of travel cheques. I read that, because Japan is a really safe country you can easily take 100.000 Yen with you without having to be on guard all the time.
I rather prefer to take cash with me. If you have travel chques with you, you need to find a bank first to change it into paper money and coins.

I hope you can answer this questions for me.^^
Thank you very much, arigato gozaimass!

Tokyo is pretty easy to navigate, but even if you get lost, I wouldn't worry.

Taking the train to Akihabara is very easy (just don't look for "Akiba" on the train map).

Cash is king in Japan, and I wouldn't worry about carrying that much cash.

How old are you, by the way?
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