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(#45 (permalink))
eruchan (Offline)
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Join Date: May 2008
05-12-2008, 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by Doutas View Post
I have just started my work, so I don't know that much yet. But I've heard, for example,that "japanese only" pubs and restaurants are not uncommon, or you can often get in trouble hiring apartment, because you are a 外人. Don't you have trouble in job, or just that other people don't take you as a regular member of the society?
I personally haven't been to any "japanese only" pubs and restaurants but i know that there are some "japanese only" ryokans.

as to apartments, I know that many foreigners have trouble getting an apartment and they need japanese guarantors etc. I personally haven't experienced that though.

As to getting a job, I didn't have major trouble getting a job. it just took my longer than japanese people.

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"Lost in Japan"
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