Originally Posted by Hiroki
It's now 04.10am in the morning and my girlfriend is making some 家系. Because her family own's a restaurant.I know it's crazy eating around this hour, but since there is no one here to command me (my mom bought me a house but under her name, so actually it's totally mine and my girlfriend is here with me) so I can do whatever I want at anytime I want.
And now I feel hungry so that's why I eat at this hour together with a beautiful girl (^^)v
LMAO How does anyone ever eat 家系? You don't even know what it means, do you?
Just stop pretending to be Japanese. Aren't you tired of getting banned like you have a few times from another site?
Reply in Japanese if you're really Japanese.
てめえの嘘は聞き飽きたよ! どうやって「家系」を食 うんだよ?ただの欧州在住のフィリピン人のくせに・・ ・