Thread: exist†trace
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(#837 (permalink))
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InsaneDoll (Offline)
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05-12-2008, 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by kawn4 View Post
i think i somewhat got it.. ;X
oh .. goodie then ")
I just can`t seem to express myself into words properly -.-

Originally Posted by Aota View Post
I guess so. Haha. If you did talk with us, it'd be a little weird I never remembered.

Sorry if what I said sounds weird. I'm a bit sick right now.
naaaah .. it didn`t strike the limits of weirdness. wanna give it another shot? (lol sorry)
it`d be weirder if we were to talk and you not to remember and then ask me if we ever talked on msn .. did I make any point in here?

Originally Posted by adina View Post
aota and ID@ sorry to interfere in your conversation but I think it would be insane and weird [I mean this in a good and hilarious way] if you'd talk to ID too
she's just ... an insane doll ^^
you are pimping me .. uuuuuuuugh yo`re busted little one :3
why don`t you go and be perverted with miko or buttercup? let me see the fruits of my lessons ;D

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
I think ID had said you were a couple? *is now confused* I'll go check..

oh.. quick question... we were the growling girls, once, right? You and me?

Remember, you were replying to me, I think? something about adii and Jyou?

*is super confused now*

oh... and... lol at the text for your location.
uhmmm no -.-". I was talking about Miko`s weird pose in the picture where she was holding her hand above Jyou`s head. I was referring to the fact that Miko started to do the naughty because of her and Adi being deprived.

"I tell you what's really ridiculous - going into a bookstore and there's all these books about yourself. In a way, it feels like you're already dead."
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