Thread: Exams
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MissMisa (Offline)
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Exams - 05-13-2008, 02:49 PM

It's exam period in the UK right now! Not sure about anyone else, who has got exams?

For this AS Level I have about 48 hours worth of exam time! That is some kind of ridiculous! Though I don't mind too much, I'm usually good at exams, but they are extremely boring and there is a lot of pressure involved. I had my Sociology AS Level exam today.

So are you doing exams at the moment? I know that SATs are on at the moment in the UK [ they are exams in Maths, English and Science tested in Year 2, Year 6 and Year 9, I think ]

Everyone says students in England are over-tested. I think so. We have, SATs, Assements at the end of each term, CATs [sort of like an IQ test, some schools do it upon entering to set you into ability order.] Some schools have entrance exams [which aren't called entrance exams, they sort of try to cover it up by saying that it's to 'assess your level' but really it's just sort of 'are you good enough.'] GCSEs are pretty important, then AS Levels and A Levels. The university stuff All very boring I know.
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