Originally Posted by MissMisa
I'm doing 4 ^_^
How I calculated my hours is like this : On average, there are 3 Units in each AS Level. Each Unit is tested, apart from 1 Unit of technology and 2 Units of Art, and 1 Unit of Media.
So for Media, I have 2 exams - Approx 5 hours.
Technology, 2 exams - Approx 5 hours.
Art - Timed exam - 5 hours.
Sociology, 3 exams - Approx 6 hours.
= 21 hours of exams for AS Level.
Media 2 exams - Approx 5 hours.
Tech 2 exams - Approx 5 hours.
Art Timed exam - 10 hours [ A level is 10.]
Sociology 3 exams - Approx 6 hours.
= 26 hours.
So for a whole A level qualification that is 47 hours of testing, or thereabouts ^___^ Fun, fun
not counting the re-sits. LOL.