Thread: Exams
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MissMisa (Offline)
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05-13-2008, 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by xYinniex View Post
not counting the re-sits. LOL.
Lol I know! I have a sociology re-sit >.< So I'll be doing 2 exams one after the other -_-=

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
You and your AS levels. I just did A Levels back in the day >.>
I think AS levels are stupid. I guess they needed something more challenging though with so many ppl going to university.
The exam time was so annoying. Beautiful bright days and you're stuck stressing about how you're gonna do or just having to revise -_-'
Of course they'd prolly be easier if I hadn't missed so many classes
Once at uni, you do exams much more often and I guess you get used to em.

Yeah I know, I don't see the point. The reason for AS Levels is apparantly, basically that the drop out rate after one year was really high so people were wasting a year and leaving school without an A Level. So they brought in AS Levels which is like a qualification in it's own right, so people who drop out after 1 year still actually get something out of that year.

The university course I'm doing is purely coursework based, thank goodness for that! I'm doing Game Design and within that you are able to specialise in a certain field - everything you do is assessed to get your grade. So there will be a team of amatuer programmers, artists and designers, and your part in the product is assessed. Much better than exams!

@Suki - I think SATs where you come from are a lot different to here. They are a much higher level where you are ^_^

SATs here are English, Maths and Science. And a total waste of time! They are worth nothing, they aren't a qualification. Our school didn't even use them to set us into ability groups. They made us do CATs instead, which is like an IQ test or something.

Last edited by MissMisa : 05-13-2008 at 04:12 PM.
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