Originally Posted by james1254
would you prefer to do that non-calculator paper or two 2 hour papers of algebra :P and my first one is on Thursday, but I'm not that worried i just have to remember to read the questions properly ( I normally don't but i got an A in the mock with loads of stupid mistakes so if we get an easy paper i should be able to get an A*, knowing my luck thats not going to happen). The only one I'm worried about is French I'm going to have to revise like crazy just to get B on that :P The only one I'm not really going to have to revise is Japanese i wish all the subjects were as easy as GCSE Japanese :P
Your school gets to choose GCSE Japanese?! Sooo not fair XD our school only gets a choice of French and German >.<
2 hours of algebra sounds harsh
I'd be so bad at that...I hardly understand algebra at all XD I don't know why I'm in the top set for maths at all -_-"
Oh, and MissMisa, thanks