05-13-2008, 09:55 PM
Update: 18 days until I depart. I ordered and received ¥20,000 for money after landing. Bought just about everything I needed to, and as per your advice MMM, I got a credit card. Platinum status, $1000 limit, no annual fees, etcetera. My bank approved me right on the spot. Just waiting for the card to arrive now so I can activate it.
Over the next few weeks I may be sending a few of you private messages concerning things discussed here or otherwise. Thanks for all the support so far.
Note: Of course, as my luck would have it, my camera (and the 4gb card inside of it) have gone missing. I'm searching for them and hope I can find them. Worst case scenario, I go without one. Likely case scenario, I borrow one from a friend. Best case scenario, I find my camera.