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yuujirou (Offline)
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05-14-2008, 05:13 AM

Originally Posted by xYinniex View Post
no silly, its got..peppers, maguro, lettuce inside, with tobiko round the outside.

I know futomaki is a fat roll

Hosomaki are the cute mini ones. yumyum

btw is masago different from tobico?

I know ikura are the massive salmon roe.
xDD loool

pepperz...lettuce and maguro....w/ tobiko (there's no "C" in japanese!!! =OO )
what a queer combination xDD
curious though x]

firstly @taln - LOL
secondly, i haven't tasted masago in a long time, but from what i remember, it's got sort of a little spicy to it...and.....hmm..... ._.''
honestly i can't say what it's like xDD
just that i'm not fond of it (not of it's taste, it's texture, nor even it's apperance xD), and would NEVER order masago sushi xD
anyway x]
tobiko ish much larger than masago. it's really sweet, and the "pop" from the eggs are much more noticeable than the masago (obviously due to it's larger size)
also, tobiko comes in many flavours/colour xDD
there's like ruby tobiko (just red tobiko), wasabiko (wasabi, lolz), some orange and citrusy tobiko, and even black tobiko >.>""
(back when i used to work for miyako, they had ALL these kinds of them >.>"''
and they're quite wonderful to play w/ x] )

nee, anyone have negitoro or negihama before? x]

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