I am well aware that you can learn a number of words in Japanese. However, for proper complete sentences, you just can't.
I'll put it bluntly, anime, manga, and J-Dramas in the original Japanese language is not meant for outsiders.
They are made for Japanese audiences who already understand the language. In other words, if you've studied Japanese outside of the three mediums, and you find that watching/reading anime, manga, J-Dramas, helps reinforce your understanding of the language, you don't count since you're learning from better resources already. Although, it would be harmful if you continue to learn from anime, manga, and J-Dramas. I know, I couldn't stop saying 'sorry' in informal Japanese in a test for Business Level Japanese.
Which brings me to my next point, the language used in anime, manga, and J-Dramas is usually informal, improper, and contains slang. If you talk to someone in Japanese with the language from those mediums, I can guarantee that people will look at you funny or take offense to what you said. If you don't understand what's wrong with informal or improper Japanese as well as slang, it's because daily conversation between people in Japan is supposed to be formal and polite. You wouldn't go up to your suit-and-tie-wearing boss while using a lazy tone now would you?
Fansub groups are not 100% reliable because they could be working from a script translated from another language aside from Japanese (Japanese -> Korean/Chinese -> English), the translator's comprehension of Japanese is sub par leading to faulty lines, or they'll "spice up" the dialogue with cursing when there is no cursing in that line, heck there's no cursing at all in Japanese, period.
If you really want to learn proper Japanese, take classes, hang around people that speak the language, and study from lesson books.
Still don't believe me?
Then translate these into Japanese using proper Japanese:
I work at the hospital every Wednesday from 12:30 pm to 5 pm.
It takes me about 15 minutes to walk to the ticket booth to buy a one-way ticket for an express train to Shinjuku.
It takes around 10 hours to get to Puerto Rico from New York by plane.
After school, I go work at Mrs. Suzuki's flower shop from 4:00 pm to 8:30 pm. It takes about 30 minutes to go by train and on foot to arrive at her store.
I'm going to drive to Tokyo to meet my friends and watch a movie at 7:00 PM.
If I were you, I wouldn't use babelfish or any other online translation site because they are ultimately flawed, and using them shows how incompetent you really are.