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anrakushi (Offline)
Posts: 351
Join Date: Dec 2007
05-15-2008, 06:34 AM

i'm going to completely disagree with your use of the word "FACT"

first of all, i learn through studying and other methods and not solely through the above mentioned media, i'm only stating this to prove that you can't say it is fact.

I have met people who have learnt how to speak an entire language and have good vocabulary thanks to learning from regular exposure to tv programs in that language. granted this is not done in a year or two, but over many years of their life particularly starting from when they are very young and can pick up a language easier. You CAN learn a language without textbooks and studying, but you still need to be able to use the language.

I don't watch anime, i do enjoy j-dramas however. J-dramas do indeed include quite a bit of polite japanese and keigo, if you can't pick that up then you have issues with your japanese ability. i'm sure there would be certain anime that would also have such japanese used in it. you can learn all forms of japanese from anime, j-drama etc, I have one drama where a lot of the dialogue is very polite. if you are only watching school life dramas where the conversations are all between friends then you are not going to be exposed to much polite japanese but that is not the fault of the medium, it is your fault for only watching those types of programs.

i don't recommend this form of learning a language and it is going to be slow and perhaps frustrating in comparison to learning through study/classes etc. i would never rely on just one form of study when learning a language, it is never going to help you progress quickly. you should have a combination of as many ways to interact with the language as possible.

my issue is with you saying it is fact. to say it is a fact that you can't learn a language that way is a complete load of crap.
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