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tommasi (Offline)
West Tokyo Native
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Location: Tokyo
05-15-2008, 06:58 AM

Originally Posted by Hatredcopter View Post
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying people from Tokyo are more discriminatory than the rest of the country, or anything like that. The proportion of foreigners in the area is completely out of whack from the rest of the country, and I think that may be some source of the problem.

It's also worth pointing out... in western countries, especially the US, racism and discrimination is a very touchy subject. Famous and influential people can be shamed on the national level just for making one racist statement. That's what its like in a country made up of immigrants. In contrast, it's really unreasonable to expect the whole of Japan, a very ethnically homogeneous country, to be able to cater to the needs of every foreigner. If you can read my signature, that's the philosophy that I follow while I'm in Japan... I've never had any troubles with it. If you can't read it, well... that might make you part of the problem.
Yea, I totally agree with you.

Like you said, not everyone follows the same philosophy as you do.

And I believe those are the ones who end up with negative thoughts about Japan or anywhere else in this matter.

Last edited by tommasi : 05-15-2008 at 11:31 AM.
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