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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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05-15-2008, 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
This seems to happen to a lot of people.
I say it comes from skewed expectations in the beginning. You see what you want to see at first - which is no realistic... So when you do see reality it seems to be incredibly horrible.

I haven`t seen anything like that happen to anyone who had realistic ideas about Japan.
Completely agree and I would add that it's not only Japan in which this can happen.

For example....other countries are not immune from not living up to people's expectations. I'm from New Zealand and I've noticed that NZ has an image of being a particularly peaceful place (we actually have some comparitively high violence statistics) and the people "down to Earth" yet too often you hear in the news about naive foriegners being taken advantage of. A Scottish backpacker was even murdered not so long ago!

The problem with this semprini guy is probably the same with what happened to these naive tourists you hear about in NZ. I suspect that the less insightful ones probably harbour the same sorts of feelings towards New Zealand as this semprini guy does towards Japan.
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