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yuujirou (Offline)
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05-15-2008, 12:51 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
Not replying to any specific post, but a general comment. If you ask anyone that grew up from an oriental family that uses chopstick, they will tell you that to "CLAIM" the ability to use a chopstick is more than holding it and grab food with it, but to hold it in the proper form and height

I was able to "USE" is for 20 somewhat odd years, and my family keep giving me a hard time for "not knowing how to hold and use the chopstick". I didn't manage to correct it until i was around 27 or 28....
not really sure what your talking about x]
but yeah, aLOT of people hold hashi wrong >.>"""
believe the correct method is to stick your middle finger
between both sticks.
what most people do is like put the middle finger to the side of the sticks.....

by putting your middle finger inbetween, you create a lever, w/ your finger acting as a fulcrum

by putting it to the side....your just operating each stick individually >.>'''

bleh x]
*wonder if that's what your talking about*

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