Thread: SuG
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(#378 (permalink))
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Miyavifan (Offline)
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05-15-2008, 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by ReiIsMyAlterEgo View Post
they're so colourful xDDD

i just ordered N0IZ STAR >> finally xDD

yesasia still had the special edition ones with the booklet and dvd >>
I know.

Originally Posted by adina View Post
myvfan@ well -giggles- ... I like SuG too much and takeru of course <'3
and I don't know ... I just knew x3
and I saw the site ... I love it
that little song with those butterflies are so sweet *_*
Huh. well, I'm glad you did. *hugs you*

oh... there's a song? How'd I not hear it?

Originally Posted by ReiIsMyAlterEgo View Post
someone O_O

answer me O_O

did Takeru shave off the side of his head? O_O


-comfort rapes masato-
Oh. Did you ask that before?

It looks to me like he did.

Originally Posted by NanteNa View Post
Uhm.. O_O Is that a new layout? *pokes pics* It's been there since foreverr..

WHAT??!! O_O *smacks Take* Did he SHAVE HIS HEAD? O_O Or.. one side of it?? T_T
It's not a new layout? I haven't seen it before.

Originally Posted by adina View Post
I don't think he shaved his hair
cause look at this pics

these are from april fool's mate
and his hair looks perfectly normal <'3
hmm. *is confused now* Maybe those pics were taken a while ago....?

Originally Posted by ajsnoopy View Post
*jumps up and down* I just go the winter 08 issue of PurpleSky!!! I read the article with the guys, and it ended up putting a big smile on my face ^__^ they're so adorable in the way they look at each other, lol. All of the guys refer to Masato as the 'mother' of the group XD
I got that issue!! Earlier this month I think it was. Or was it last month?

either way... I think I might have scanned it, but I need to go check.

I think it is so cute that they all do.

@ Rei *goes to watch PV*

It's kinda odd, his hair.. But it's still Take!! *wishes to hug*

He was already claimed.... when I joined... But I still love him.
huh... the sound for the PV is not so good. It keeps going normal, then quiet.

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....
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