05-16-2008, 04:59 AM
You don't nessesaraly "have" to stretch. But if you're going into really complicated kicks or manuvers that require you be flexible, it's a good idea, it can avoid injury so it's not totally without merit. But Tenchu has a point in that streaching dosen't automaticly make your limbs powerful.
It's simple anatomy. Streaching your muscles frequently makes them longer and springier. Meaning you can extend, twist, contract, or move with them better. Now there are millions of ways to do this. But the key to becoming flexible is time and practice.
Now just becouse you are flexible,it does not make your techniques perfect. And it does not give you the technique, mental power and raw physical strength that you have to combine with flexibility, that makes your techniques sharp. But Stretching, if you do it conventioanally, or if you just thow lots and lots of kicks and punches, over and over again. Is very important. Anyway you look at it.
Ubi concordia, ibi victoria