Thread: Martial Arts
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godwine (Offline)
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05-16-2008, 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
This certainly from an outsiders viewpoint when it comes to kicks, but even when I was weight training in college, which did not require any flexibility, an emphasis was placed on stretching at the beginning of the work out because of what you've described. If the muscles and tendons have not been stretched, there is less blood flow and flexibility than there would be otherwise. Thus there are less chemical resources for the muscles to use - hence less power and more risk of injury. Aside from flexibility being a general, life-long, health issue, why wouldn't you stretch to put your muscles at peak readiness? It doesn't take that long and it will pay off in the long run.
Thanks for the backup You know, I've been teaching MA for quite a number of years, stretched athelete are also more responsive and have faster reaction... I weight train too, with MA in place, it makes it even more important because of muscle tightness
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