*Ok guys, time for me to bumb in again and spoil all your fun! ^^. Btw, my writing skills are a bit low atm, because i haven't written in ages, stories that is :d*
As i woke up under the desert sunshine that burned on my face, and even through my blindfold onto my eyes, i remembered a horrible nightmare i was having tonight. Though this nightmare was not fiction, i saw Tatsu sacrificing himself to ressurect me from the dead, i saw my furious rage that i unleashed upon the guards. At this moment, i have no idea what to do next, i should honor Tatsu's body. But for now, i think the desert lands stretching from Dizan river to Shanzûn river will calm my mind, and give me the peace that i desired for so long.
Two days later, i had the same nightmare but now i knew what to do, i knew how to honor Tatsu ... how to get rid of these nightmares ... And maybe this was my destiny, maybe it was Tatsu's destiny to sacrifice himself so i could live.
"Aaarrrrrrrgggghh!!!" I cried out, for only the desert sand to hear. "This is not me! I don't even believe in destiny!"
But still, if i believe in destiny or not, at this point there was only one way to honor Tatsu. And that is by ridding the continent of all dragons, every single one shall die! every dragonwarrior, dragoness... every dragonchild!
"All.... Shall.... Perish!"
I started drifting off to the dangerous dragon hills in the east, where the dragons live. Though the terrain to get to dragon territory was not as traversable as the terrain to the west, heavy sandstorms roar across the desert plains... dangerous creatures lure beneath the sands. But i knew what i was going for, and i'd let nothing stop me... not a dragon, a creature, sandstorms nor my beloved. I left Myzuri behind to honor Tatsu, but it was the right thing to do, he threated me like his own child. And i felt him as he was my foster-parent, and for him and my parents i had to leave Myzuri.
5 days later:
i felt a sandstorm coming up, the first one i've ever felt. At first the sand brushing on my face feels good, but that good soon begins to hurt. And not much later with every step i take my feet needed to carry a whole load of sand that covered it in the seconds i placed my foot there before. I knew that i couldn't go on like this, therefor i decided to rest here, until the storm was over. I ripped of my cloak and binded it around myself as a cocoon and dropped myself into the sand.
*hope you liked my first story-post in a long time

btw, for the dragons, i was thinking maybe to get a dragon which is the complete opposite of a character, but only that character can destroy the dragon. (yes, i've been watching avatar lately

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