Thread: The Kanji Kraze
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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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05-17-2008, 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by Scoob94P View Post
In a lot of Chinese books I have read (that have been written in english) the author always says that the opposite always has some word infront of it to make it opposite.
For example say you had the word for love, you would keep that word, put a word before it and get 'hate', does this work in japanese?

Yes, it does. It works that way in many cases if not always.

必要 (ひつよう) = Necessary

不必要 (ふひつよう) = Unnecessary

可能 (かのう) = Possible

不可能 (ふかのう) = Impossible

Please tell me if this wasn't what you were referring to. Or give an actual Chinese example. Thanks.
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