Thread: Wii or PS3?
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05-17-2008, 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by girlgamer1984 View Post
You obviously have very little information about games. I mean no offense, but do your research before you post such things.

Wii is the one which is the small upgraded version of Gamecube. Technically speaking, it is the most inferior of the three. It has only first party, and second party support, and no third party support. Thus their game liberary is very small. As far as the innovation, and features are concerned, then I don't know what you are talking about...Please explain yourself.

How is PS3 a failure? It has outsold 360 in Europe, considering the fact that it is a whole year younger than 360. It is a massive leap beyond Ps2, and currently the most technically advanced console of the three.

The game that you are talking about "on both consoles", then they are called Multi-platform games. A console is known for its exclusives, and nothing more.

Blueray is for enhancing speed, space etc etc...

Please do your reseach...
@Pappasmurf, Loading times are WAY faster, loading time for the PS3 version of OBLIVION were almost cut in half compared to the 360 version.


Better Exclusives (Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Heavenly Sword Trilogy, and all future Grand Theft Autos [after IV])
Better Graphics (what more needs to be said, really there is no comparison in this category.
Less chance of getting hurt through SIXAXIS gameplay (Lulzzz)
The addition of PLAYSTATION HOME in the coming months.
More raw processing power.
Can also double as a George Forman Grill!!!

The only "good" exclusive the Wii has going for it is Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Good game, but it can't carry a console... Halo tried..... XDDDDD)
pre-atari graphics, (obvious exaggeration), not what you'd expect from "Next Gen Console"
No significant online features
No cooking features!

The PS3 is wayyyy superior by all means.

Source for the GTA news, , sure, it's a biased site, but you can't argue with their sources!!!!

Microsoft is making computer's just like air conditioners; they work properly until you open WINDOWS.
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