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(#9 (permalink))
Kakiri (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 1
Join Date: May 2008
05-17-2008, 06:06 PM

Hi, im gonna help you....

NEXON ID: Choose the id you want to use, the blue right button is for check if that id is avaible.

ニックネーム: (Nickname)

パスワード (Password)

パスワード (retype password)

性別 (Sex) 男性 (man) 女性 (woman)

都道府県 (State) *Here I did choose anyone, and then:* 公開する 公開しない (no) *i choose this one*

氏名(漢字) (With kanji) 姓 (last name) 名 (Name)

氏名(フリガナ) (kanas) 姓 (last name) 名 (name)

The problem here is... we don't have our names in kanji hahaha, so I pick up any japanese male name and done, easily for you just copy and paste this female name:

姓(lastname):  鈴木 名(name): 前田

姓(lastname):   すずき 名(name): まえた (your false name will be: (name) Maeta (last name) Suzuki LOLOLOL)

Or male name:

姓(lastname):  保住 名(name): 件

姓(lastname):   ほずみ 名(name): けん (your false name will be: (name) Ken (last name) hozumi


Eメールアドレス再入力 (retype email):

電話番号(半角数字) (phone): (must be a japanese phone so.....just copy this: 03-326381-5353)

メールマガジンの配信 (mail) 配信を希望する 希望しない(no)* (pick this one)

生年月日(半角数字) (Date of birth) *Im 23 years if you have any problem....try with an old date of birth)

年 (year) 月 (month) 日 (day)

秘密の質問 (Security question)  ペットの名前は? (pet's name) *try to use that question in the list*

秘密の質問の答え (answer) *any pet's name that u can remember*

And then you read the rules LOLOLOL, and click on the right button. (something like: "して次へ")

If you make everything fine... you will go to a confirm page.

Click on the purple button. (the unique button)

And the you will go to a congrats page, or something like that crap hahaha.

You will recieve an email, and you must click on the fisrt link. Then close that new browser.

and click on the other page's button. "NEXON ゲ・ムへ"

So then, you will go to Nexon's page.

The fourth option is the game of audition (or dancin' pardise) click on, and then in the center click again (dancin paradise will appear in the flash of center).

All right! You are in the page that you want to, and registered.

1.- Game start

2.- No1. Download. No2. Install guide No3. ID

I hope with this help is enough.

"If you have any trouble please contact me: [email protected]"

Last edited by Kakiri : 05-17-2008 at 06:09 PM. Reason: i did it wrong
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