Thread: Wii or PS3?
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(#146 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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05-17-2008, 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
Overpriced? It's $50 more than a 360. $50 LESS than the elite. Don't try and make arguments in a console debate if you're going to try and use outdated arguments.
I wasn't comparing it to the Xbox, I was comparing it to the Wii. The Wii is undeniably cheaper because it isn't as powerful, thus making it more accessible to students like me. Price is a larger factor for people like me, so some power has to be compromised.

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
If you want to factor in lauch dates the PS3 is second. The wii sells like crack theres no denying but the wii is something different from the 360 and PS3, it's of no threat to them. The 360 his a hit in NA, other than that it's not that exciting in terms of pure sales.

Though I don't know why you're trying to bring up an irrelevant argument like this. It doesn't really mean anything. The Wii isn't a direct competition to the others and the 360 has been out an entire year longer than both of them, naturally it's going to have better sales.
It's of no threat? They are all games consoles competing with each other. Wii has gone for a wider audience, therefore gaining more sales. I agree we should take into account the release dates and so on. Though I agree they are not directly competing, as they are aiming at different audiences. Whereas Xbox 360 and PS3 are going for the similar type of audience.

Here is a good place for all the charts if you want to compare different factors yourself |

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
Again, stop brining sales figures into this. The people who buy the wii are not from the same market that buy the PS3. The PS3 is brought by video/audiophiles and gamers. The Wii is bought by a LOT more demographics. Moms, old people, families, retirement centers, hopitals. It's not the same group of people so saying one is selling more, therefore it's winnning.
I brought sales figures up in the first place because somebody else mentioned them, and I thought it was irrelevant to just mention Europe when there is the rest of the world to think about.

Originally Posted by girlgamer1984 View Post

It has outsold 360 in Europe, considering the fact that it is a whole year younger than 360.
And also, I believe I also said that the Wii and PS3 appeal to different audiences, and the factors that are considered are based on personal preferance.

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I think all those things are subject to opinion really. I guess it depends what your priorities are. Fancy graphics, extra features and so on, the PS3 wins that. It is TECHNICALLY superior. This is not something I really care about. And, of course PS3 is going to be technically superior. If Wii cost that ridiculous amount of money then it probably would too.

The price, the innovation, the orginal and quirky nature and the balls to try something new, always goes to Nintendo.

I really don't care about the graphics on a game. I care about how good the game is to play, I believe that is the point in games. It's the same as films, they can have awesome CGI but if they are shit to watch then no-one cares.

The Wii has games which I prefer.

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Mario Kart Wii, Trauma Center, Smash Bros - these are all my types of games.

I also think the Wii appeals to more audiences. As a female gamer Nintendo caters for me way better than any other. I hate first person shooters which are the main games on the Xbox.
I've said this twice already, and that is pretty much agreeing with what you said about audiences.
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