Originally Posted by MMM
I am not going to say "No offense" yuujirou, because what I am going to say might offend you.
Some of your posts are about your morning foundation and make-up routine, and the other ones sound like you are a speech-writer for the Republican Party. You are discriminated against, and discriminate against freely.
I don't get it.
suppose i'll take that part of sounding "like a speech-writer" as a compliment >.>'
the rest i don't fully understand.
i don't see how you're comparing my....well random posts w/ those that have a purpose (if that's what your doing)
i'm discriminated against? if i am...then i must admit my ignorance to that >.>'
and...sorry, but i've NEVER been able to understand the things that set aside a republican and a democrat (much less what it means to be called a republican)....other than that one is represented by a donkey, and the other an elephant ._.'''
hehe... >.<'