Thread: Martial Arts
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(#52 (permalink))
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Jaydelart (Offline)
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05-18-2008, 12:13 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Did anyone say I ever 'wait'? Did I say it? In the ring or on the street? No. I did not. And am I bound by rules? No. I can use knives and sticks and beer bottles and sand and whatever the fuck I want, too.

So, in truth you are denying kicking and it seems ring based MA styles as well... I wonder why???
How do you plan on planting a High Kick on a hostile individual in the streets? As you said yourself, instead of having to throw a combo of punches for a K.O., if you land a single High Kick you can accomplish a K.O. in one shot. It is a matter of timing and practice. So, again, how do you expect to execute a High Kick without waiting? The answer is you don't; you wait for the opportunity to arrive ~ "timing". Otherwise, you abandon it and resort to other techniques -- or risk getting your ass tackled in mid-motion.

As I understand, it is illegal to tackle in a Muay Thai match. Muay Thai fighters generally train to fight other Muay Thai fighters... That is the basic concept of the sport. Hence my comment: "In a real life situation, your opponent may not always be willing to "kick joust"."

This was your other statement:
Originally Posted by Tenchu
I imagine there will be other opurtunities in future street fights. I dont see why not. Esp. since they are even easier toland on the thug on the street than they are against the pro at the gym, so I would TRY and use em just to see if I can score a KO or not!
This was my response to that statement:
Originally Posted by Jaydelart
A thug on the street isn't bound by rules and formalities like a professional in the ring or gym is.
You're basing your argument on the assumption that it is easier to land a High Kick on a Thug on the streets. And I am simply pointing out that it is not necessarily "easier", because, in the streets, they may never give you the chance to throw your leg into the air to perform a High Kick.

I'm not saying it is impossible; I'm saying it is improbable.
You, Tenchu, are free to do whatever you want. I'm just expressing my opinion.

"Rejecting kicks and ring-based MA"? I suggest you rethink that conclusion. Or better yet ~ read over some of my earlier posts in this thread.

Originally Posted by Asakura
People tent to get wrapped up in being "Martial Artists" and forget that Martial Arts are a millitary art. It is MENT to be used on the street, in truely deadly combat. And the reason we train so hard is so that when it comes down to who lives and who dies in a fight, we get to live. When we strip away all the philosophy and symantics where all just fighters.
I agree. A punch is still a punch; a kick is still a kick. We are all bound by the same physics; therefore, it isn't wise to immediately assume that a stranger on the streets isn't going to put up his own fight.
Rules of the ring favor the use of High Kicks. Street fights are a different story.

Originally Posted by Asakura
As far as using kicks in a street fight. Oh hell yes it's done. Maby I'm bias becouse I'm a student of Taekwondo, but we are tought everyday how to street fight, and yes we implement kicks, pretty frequently.
I'm not entirely sure who you're directing this at, but never did I say that kicking was not done on the streets.
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