Thread: Wii or PS3?
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(#148 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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05-18-2008, 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
I find it kind of funny that you say you're so up to date with gaming but I keep seeing you make poor judgements and claims about the market. If you really did know anything about the fallacy that is the console war then you'd realize that the Wii is doing something else, and the 360 and PS3 are on their own in a headlock.

Again, I come back to a the point of you claiming to be into gaming knowledge, but really seeming far off pace. VGCharts is a horrible citation for sales figures. The majority of them are nothing more than estimates but no real had fact. In fact several community sites that follow gaming shame members for trying to use VGChartz as a source for their arguments.

That's true. The Wii is winning all over. I'm confused why the 360 was brought into this too when it's not even in the OP. Oh well though.

As I mentioned though if you want to say what system is better then sales figures aren't an indication. Especially when you're an actual gamer.

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
And also, I believe I also said that the Wii and PS3 appeal to different audiences, and the factors that are considered are based on personal preferance.
That's exactly right. It is personal preference and there's no way to truely say what is better. Again, both consoles are doing completely different things. Having one let's you do something the other will not.

When it comes down to it actually. The reasons someone would pick one over the other are reasons you wouldn't pick the other. 360/PS3 <-> Wii are virtually two halves of a whole.
I think I'm just going to repeat myself all over again, so I won't. I have recognised what you said, and I have already said many many times before you even said it, that gaming is based on the personal preferance and the Wii and PS3 are entirely different consoles. I won't bother quoting myself again as what I said previously will be just the same as what I say now.
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