Thread: Wii or PS3?
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(#151 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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05-18-2008, 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I think you may be right about this one. But I wonder since PS2 was the best selling console out of them all, why isn't PS3 doing that well? I wonder what the average age of a gamers internationally is, and what age range the majority of the population are, then we might be able to see if the price effects it. Kids usually have a lot less money to spend on these things. According to the BBC the average game age is 28, so they should be able to afford a PS3 if they want it.
I still think that it's the price... I think that PS3 is an amazing machine simply because of all the gadgets it has... Gaming wise, there isn't anything that special about it (in the sense that, it offers the same as xbox if not less). So, I think, even if you do have money, you won't neccesarily spend it on a ps3 because of all the gadgets (gadgets get boring after a while)... you'd want a games console for games... I regret buying my ps3. I use it maybe once a month, whereas my xbox is used every weekend because of xbox live... I'll be living with friends soon, so maybe, then, my ps3 will get more use... who knows...
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